How to Thicken Fine Hair Naturally – 7 Easy ways


Experiencing thin or fine hair has always been an acute problem, and it shows up at some point in most people’s lives, regardless of men or women. Such hair condition may be an effect of minor to moderate hair loss. Having excessive thin hair is not the same as baldness. Yet, it gives an unwelcoming appearance of thinner hair on your head.

What Causes Thinning Hair?

Several factors trigger thinning hair, including your lifestyle, poor nutrition, genetics, or certain medical conditions. Typically, you may lose 50 to 100 hairs in a single day, says the American Academy of Dermatology.

If the number exceeds the limit, in the future, your hair can lose its density in an unparalleled way. In most cases, one’s lifestyle and habit are found responsible that cause thinning hair. Thus, the following vital things that you should want to circumvent before the situation gets worse:

  • Never over-treat your hair. Be gentle with your hair while maintaining a gorgeous hairstyle. And as for the hair products, you must not use them excessively, including color treatments, relaxers, perms, and suchlike. The fewer the layers of hair products, the better.
  • Avoid using products made from chemicals. These include harsh hair products, such as hair sprays and gels or similar things that give your hair an extreme hold. Temporary color is also proven harmful for hair.
  • Stop tying your hair too tight as it leads to breaking your hair from the root and leaving thin marks on your scalp.
  • Don’t forget to add folic acid, iron, and other minerals in your regular diet. The importance of foods with high mineral cannot be denied. It boosts your hair follicle to thicken the fine hair naturally.  
  • Try to eliminate the causes of getting overstressed. Excessive stress interferes with the growth of your new hair growing from the hair follicles.

Special Mention

The reasons behind thinning hair are not limited to the reasons mentioned above. Other health and genetic factors are also found to be responsible for such hair condition. 

How to Thicken Fine Hair Naturally? Here Are the Remedies

As thinning hair is gradual, you still have time to figure out the causes and reverse your hair condition. Although there isn’t any guaranteed way to change your hair texture, yet there are many long-standing home remedies that you can try. Here we present a few proven ways to thicken your fine hair condition naturally.

  1. Scalp Massage

Probably a regular scalp massage is the easiest and cheapest method of getting thicker hair naturally. Having a helping hand will be great otherwise you can do the massage yourself too.

Gently put pressure with your fingertips around your scalp as it increases blood circulation beneath the skin. It’s acknowledged that blood circulation keeps the scalp healthy by delivering all the essential nutrients and oxygen.

You can apply olive oil, castor oil, or coconut oil during the scalp massage. All these hair oils are enriched with required natural ingredients that will boost your hair growth.

  1. Anti-thinning Shampoo 

Anti-thinning shampoo offers a great solution to those who have naturally thin or fine hair. Such hair product adds volume to your hair, which results in thicker appearance. For a promising healthier scalp, you can apply the shampoos containing vitamins and amino acids. Upon consistent usage of these shampoos your hair loss will decline significantly.

  1. Egg Treatment 

Eggs are enriched with high protein that may help to strengthen and thicken your hair quickly. This is important to prepare the formula in a right way.

  • Beat 1 or 2 egg yolks together. If possible, for better results, use 1tbsp olive oil and 2tbsp of water to the egg yolk mixture.
  • Apply the mixture to your scalp and leave it for 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Later wash your hair with warm water and shampoo.

Use egg treatment once or twice a week. A consistent application of this treatment for several weeks might deliver a better result.

  1. Nutrient-rich Food 

Add some nutrient-rich food to your everyday diet. A proper nutritious diet includes fats, iron, protein, and a wide-ranging of minerals and vitamins. A nutritious diet accelerates your hair growth and reduces the thin hair naturally. There is a high chance that a person with thin hair isn’t getting enough nutrients.

You can consider the following nutrient-rich foods while preparing your diet plan.

  • Salmon which is enriched with high protein and fatty acids.
  • Eggs contain protein, omega3, and iron.
  • Walnuts, almonds, and other similar nuts; source of fatty acids.
  • Greek yogurt, best known for its high protein.
  • All types of beans, including black, green, and pinto; good source of high protein.
  1. Aloe Vera 

It’s a long-standing belief that aloe oil derived from Aloe Vera delivers a beneficial effect on hair, scalp, and skin. You can apply aloe oil on your hair and scalp directly or as a gel and cream. This natural treatment will strengthen and thicken your hair over time. Most commercial products contain Aloe Vera as a core ingredient.

  1. Olive Oil 

Olive oil is directly usable on your hair and scalp. Apply olive oil during the scalp massage as it softens your hair and revives your dry scalp.

  • Heat the olive oil; the heat must not exceed your body temperature.
  • Rub the warm olive oil directly on your scalp and hair; leave it for 30 to 35 minutes.
  • Later wash your hair with water and shampoo.
  1. Biotin 

People with biotin deficiency often experience hair loss, dry skin, and brittle nails. Despite the little evidence that biotin can improve your hair condition, many people often rely on it for better hair growth. Biotin can naturally be found in foods like nuts, liver, and lentils. Also, you can take biotin in the form of supplements.

Bottom Line

How to thicken fine hair naturally? Well, there are hundreds of ways to thicken your fine hair. It’s always best to adopt natural ways to fix your hair problem as the chemical process may permanently ruin your hair. The process to thicken your fine hair might be longer, but it is treatable.



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